"A threefold cord is not easily broken, any more than a bundle of arrows, though each single thread and each single arrow is. Two together he compares to a threefold cord; for where two are closely joined in holy love and fellowship, Christ will by His spirit come to them, and make the third, as He joined Himself to the two disciples going to Emmaus, and then there is a threefold cord that can never be broken. They that dwell in love, dwell in God and God in them."
-Matthew Henry-(the above is an excerpt from our wedding program)
It was Saturday the 25th of September 2004. At one o' clock in the afternoon, an expectant groom walked to the front of the sanctuary to await his bride.
He watched and waited as two violins and a piano played Canon in D as the mothers were seated, and Largo from Xerxes as the beautiful bridesmaids walked down the aisle.
... the doors were closed.
All rose as the bride and her father approached.
All in the wedding party sat as a charge was given to the couple. The congregation joined in singing O the Deep Deep Love of Jesus and Take My Life and Let it Be.
Vows were spoken, rings were exchanged, prayer was given for the couple, and their union was pronounced.
They couldn't seem to wipe the happy grins from their faces.
Were they really married? So much joy wasn't possible, was it?
They walked arm in arm into the reception, held in the very same room where they met.
When it was time to go, the bride shed a few tears as she said goodbye to her family, but quickly shook them away to leave with her new husband.
Near disaster was averted as the impatient groom almost caused a fender bender.
The newlyweds rode off into the sunset. They didn't realize that they could love each other any more then they did at that moment...
... but they do.
What a beautiful story, and I must admit, you were a lovely bride.
Thanks for your encouragement, Ella! I appreciated your words on staying physically and emotionally pure on your blog. Girls - you can read what Ella wrote by looking on my sidebar and clicking on Ella's blog.
Lovely pictures and story! Thanks for sharing them with us!
I run a website for young ladies and their families called the Young
Ladies Christian Fellowship. We are always on the lookout for stories
of godly courtships and romances that honor God. I found your website
and was wondering if you would mind me adding a link to the story on
our index of stories here: www.ylcf.org/courtship-stories
You can email me at: ylcfmail at gmail dot com
Thank you,
Natalie for the YLCF
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